Future Architecture is a pan-European network of architecture museums, festivals and non-institutional cultural producers that promote the work of emerging architects, curators and researchers in architecture with the aim to bring the most burning issues of contemporary architecture to a wider audience. The objectives of the platform are:
to connect the different architectural institutions, producers and communicators in a collaborative, trans-national, multidisciplinary platform for the exchange of new knowledge in architecture and to develop their collaborative and research capacities;
to encourage the production of new, alternative content for the visitors of the architecture museums and for architecture festivals’ audience;
to encourage circulation of emerging architects, researchers, curators, writers between museums, galleries and festivals throughout Europe;
to push forward new research and new, original presentations of the possible future models for cities and architecture;
to inform wider public and create awareness about current challenges in architecture;
to create an international fund of ideas about the future of architecture.
We are extremely proud, that we can be a part of the platform together with: MAO | Muzej za arhitekturo in oblikovanje, ORIS Kuća arhitekture / House of Architecture, Swiss Architecture Museum, HDA Beogradska internacionalna nedelja arhitekture, Trienal de Arquitectura de Lisboa, MAXXI - Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo, TAW (Tirana Architecture Weeks), Copenhagen Architecture Festival, Ruby Press, Prishtina Architecture Week and СANactions.
The inaugural meeting of the all FA members had place in November 2015, in the Museum of Architecture and Design in Ljubljana. In October 2016, the FA members met in Wroclaw during the conference “Production, City and its Culture” organised by the Museum of Architeure in Wroclaw.
Please, visit us on: futurearchitectureplatform.org and facebook.com/MuzeumArchitektury